2024 Voter Education PSAs
Voter Education Videos
Available in Five Languages
Information from our partners at Davis Media Access (DMA)
"DMA is pleased to be part of the Yolo Voter Education Grant, funded by the Walter & Evelyn Hass Fund and Yolo County, and administered through the Yolo Community Foundation. The purpose of the grant is to ensure that voters understand the “days and ways” to vote since all the changes enacted with the Voter Choice Act’s implementation in Yolo County two years ago.
The goal of the grant is to increase local voter understanding of how to vote – this includes changes to when (longer time frame leading up to the election), where (fewer but centralized voting locations, mobile voting locations), and how (in person, by mail) voters may cast a ballot. The funders are particularly interested in reaching young/Latinx/Asian Pacific Island voters in precincts with historically low turnout.
DMA proposed an innovative project working with our partners in West Sacramento and Woodland. In West Sacramento, we’re partnering with community radio station KYWS to broadcast voter education messaging in five languages: English, Hmong, Punjabi, Russian and Spanish. We’re also airing that on KDRT in Davis, and we’ve made short animated videos that we’ve added to our November 2024 Election Programming. And at Woodland Community College, we’re doing direct outreach to students with bilingual English/Spanish materials.
We’re honored to be among a stellar group of Yolo County nonprofits doing this work: Community Housing Opportunities Corporation, Davis Phoenix Coalition, Hui International, Meals on Wheels Yolo County, YMCA of Superior California, and Yolo Food Bank. Take a moment to check out their work on this project, too!"

Yolo Voter Education Public Service Announcement (English)
Yolo Voter Education Public Service Announcement

Yolo Voter Education Public Service Announcement (Hmong)
Yolo Voter Education Public Service Announcement

Yolo Voter Education Public Service Announcement (Russian)